Tuple ExamplesUse tuples, creating tuples and accessing items from tuples. Build up and use lists or vectors of tuples.
This page was last reviewed on Apr 20, 2023.
Tuple. Often in Rust we need to store related values together. Here a tuple can be ideal—it cannot be appended to, but we can store many together in a list.
For accessing tuple items, we use a number property. This is different from arrays or vectors. We also find that tuples can be pretty-printed with println.
Simple example. When we create a tuple, we usually do not need to specify the type. Here we create a tuple with 3 items: a string, integer and bool.
fn main() { // Create tuple. let value = ("bird", 100, false); // Print all tuple items. println!("{:?}", value); // Print first item. let first_item = value.0; println!("{}", first_item); }
("bird", 100, false) bird
Complex example. Continuing on, we have a more complex example where we create a vector (list) of tuples. The tuples each have a string and integer in them.
Part 1 We access the first tuple in the list of tuples. Here we see the type of the tuple, and how to specify it in a variable.
Part 2 We get the first item in a tuple by using the "0" property. We print the result to the screen.
Part 3 We add a tuple to the Vector of tuples. We call push(). Please notice how the list has the mut keyword, meaning it can be mutated.
Part 4 Here we loop over the tuples in our vector. This shows each key and value—which are the item 0 and item 1 parts of the tuple.
fn main() { let mut list = vec![("bird", 10), ("cat", 20)]; // Part 1: get first tuple from vector. let first_items: (&str, i32) = list[0]; println!("{:#?}", first_items); // Part 2: get item from first tuple. let first = first_items.0; println!("{}", first); // Part 3: add a value to the vector, printing it before and after. println!("BEFORE: {:#?}", list); list.push(("tree", 5)); println!("AFTER: {:#?}", list); // Part 4: loop over tuples in vector. for (a, b) in list { println!("A: {}", a); println!("B: {}", b); } }
( "bird", 10, ) bird BEFORE: [ ( "bird", 10, ), ( "cat", 20, ), ] AFTER: [ ( "bird", 10, ), ( "cat", 20, ), ( "tree", 5, ), ] A: bird B: 10 A: cat B: 20 A: tree B: 5
Return multiple values. This Rust example uses more complex tuple syntax. We return a tuple from a function. In get_color_and_id we use a match expression to return a tuple based on the argument.
And In main() we call the get_color_and_id function. We can access the 0 and 1 fields, or assign directly to them from the tuple result.
Multiple Return Values
fn get_color_and_id(index: usize) -> (String, i32) { match index { 1 | 2 => ("blue".to_string(), 2), _ => ("red".to_string(), 10), } } fn main() { // Get tuple, and then access its 0 and 1 fields. let result = get_color_and_id(0); println!("{} {}", result.0, result.1); // Get parts of tuple directly in assignment. let (color, id) = get_color_and_id(2); println!("{} {}", color, id); }
red 10 blue 2
Tuple argument. A tuple can be passed to a function. Tuples are always copied by value, much like an integer value. Here we pass a tuple to handle_tuple.
Note We can take a reference to a tuple and pass that to a function. The ampersand operator is used.
fn handle_tuple(t: (usize, &str, u8)) { println!("{}, str = {}", t.0 + (t.2 as usize), t.1); } fn main() { let tuple = (100000, "RUST", 3); // Pass tuple value. handle_tuple(tuple); }
100003, str = RUST
A summary. Tuples are used throughout Rust programs—they are one of the foundational types. We can create and access them with a clear, simple syntax.
Dot Net Perls is a collection of tested code examples. Pages are continually updated to stay current, with code correctness a top priority.
Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.
This page was last updated on Apr 20, 2023 (edit).
© 2007-2024 Sam Allen.