switch Statements
This page was last reviewed on Dec 8, 2023.
Dot Net Perls
Switch. In a Swift program with a switch statement, we test for all possible values. A switch must have a case for all possibilities.
Keywords. With the case keyword, we match a value or an interval. A let statement can introduce a temporary constant. With "where," we add checks.
A simple example. This program uses a simple switch statement. It assigns the constant "id" to 10. It then switches on that value.
Result The "case 10" is reached and the program displays "Ten." The switch has a case for all possible values.
Info Default will match all values other than 9, 10 and 11 in the switch. In Swift, a case must match all possibilities.
let id = 10 switch id { case 9: print("Nine") case 10: print("Ten") case 11: print("Eleven") default: break }
Multiple case values. Sometimes a case should match multiple values. We cannot "stack" cases. Instead we must specify all possible values in one case.
let size = 3 // Switch on the size Int. switch size { case 0, 1: // Two values match Small. print("Small") case 2, 3: // Two values match Medium. print("Medium") case 4, 5: // Two values match Large. print("Large") default: break }
Ranges. A range is specified with a start, end and three periods in between. Ranges can be used in switch statements. All included values are matched by the range case.
let code = 70 // Switch based on ranges. switch code { case 0...50: print("Lower half") case 51...100: print("Upper half") default: print("Invalid") }
Upper half
Fallthrough. This keyword means that control proceeds to the next case in a switch. The next case is entered (even if the value does not match).
Note This behavior is the default in some C-like languages. But in Swift it is specified with a special keyword.
Here Case 2 is entered, but then case 1 and case 0 are entered because of the "fallthrough" statements.
let size = 2 // Use switch with fallthrough statements. switch size { case 3: // This case will execute statements in case 2, 1 and 0. print("Number contains 3") fallthrough case 2: print("Number contains 2") fallthrough case 1: print("Number contains 1") fallthrough case 0: print("Number contains 0") default: print("Invalid") }
Number contains 2 Number contains 1 Number contains 0
String. In Swift we can use a string as the value being switched upon. We can use literals (like "cat") to match our string. The contents of the strings are compared.
let name = "cat" // Switch on the name string. switch name { case "bird": print("Is bird") case "dog": print("Is dog") case "cat": print("Is cat") // This is printed. default: print("Something else") }
Is cat
Where. Sometimes we want further checking in a case. For example, we might want to check two variables (both parts of a tuple) at once. We use "where" for this.
Here We call the test() method with tuple arguments. When the first item of a tuple is greater than or equal to 10, we print our values.
func test(code: (Int, Character)) { // Switch on the tuple argument. // ... We use let to allow the tuple items to be referenced. // We use where to test a part of the tuple. switch code { case let(number, letter) where number >= 10: print("Number = \(number), Letter = \(letter)") default: print("Default") } } // Call test with a tuple argument. test(code: (5, "a")) // Call test again. test(code: (15, "b"))
Default Number = 15, Letter = b
Tuple. Here we switch on a tuple. We use a "tuple pattern" to match all items in the tuple. Many syntax features, like "let" and underscores, can be used to match parts of tuples.
let data = ("xyz", 200) // Match complete tuple values. switch (data) { case ("abc", 300): print("Is abc300") case ("xyz", 200): print("Is xyz200") default: print("Not known") }
Is xyz200
Let values. A case block can capture values in a tuple switch. We use the "let" keyword and provide an identifier (like "size" in this example).
Result The first item in the tuple matches the value "monkey" and the size value is set to 200 from the tuple being switched upon.
let value = ("monkey", 200) // Use let to capture a variable in a tuple. switch (value) { case ("monkey", let size): print("Monkey has size \(size)") default: break }
Monkey has size 200
Tuples, any value. With an underscore, we can match just parts of a tuple in a switch. We specify the underscore to "ignore" items in a tuple case.
Here We match only the second element in a 3-item tuple. The first and third items are ignored.
let tuple = ("cat", 1, "penguin") // Switch on tuple. // ... Match second value of the tuple. switch (tuple) { case (_, 1, _): print("Second value is 1") case (_, 2, _): print("Second value is 2") default: print("No case") }
Second value is 1
Exhaustive, error. A switch cannot just match some cases. It must match all possible cases. The default block is useful for handling rare or unusual (unexpected) cases.
let height = 70 // This program will not work. // ... A switch must have a default clause. switch (height) { case 60: print(true) case 70: print(true) }
/main.swift:8:1: Switch must be exhaustive, consider adding a default clause
At least one case, error. A switch cannot be empty. It must have at least one case or a default block. The Swift compiler will report an error on an empty switch.
let x = 5 // A switch cannot be empty. switch (x) { }
/main.swift:5:1: 'switch' statement body must have at least one 'case' or 'default' block
Tuple pattern, error. For tuple patterns in a switch, each case must have the correct count of items. We cannot match a 2-item tuple with a 3-item tuple pattern case.
let result = (10, 20) // For a tuple switch, the pattern must be correct. switch (result) { case (10, 20, 30): print("OK") }
/main.swift:3:6: Tuple pattern has the wrong length for tuple type '(Int, Int)'
Review. Switch is a powerful construct in Swift. It has unique features in this language. They are designed to make flow easier to design and control.
Dot Net Perls is a collection of tested code examples. Pages are continually updated to stay current, with code correctness a top priority.
Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.
This page was last updated on Dec 8, 2023 (edit).
© 2007-2024 Sam Allen.