List sorted Examples, Ordering.Int
This page was last reviewed on Dec 13, 2023.
Dot Net Perls
Sorted. Sorting is comparing. A List contains numbers, like 30, 20, 50. To sort them, we must compare them against each other. An ordering is imposed.
With Scala 3.3, we use the sorted function. A List is immutable, so sorted returns a sorted copy of the list. With the Ordering class, we access common sort types.
Initial example. Let us begin. Here we invoke the sorted function. With no arguments, this returns a List containing the same elements, but sorted in ascending order (from low to high).
Info We use Ordering.Int.reverse to supply "sorted" with an Ordering argument. This affects the sort order (to be descending).
object Program { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // An example list. val positions = List(300, 20, 10, 300, 30) // Sort Ints from low to high (ascending). val result = positions.sorted println(result) // Sort Ints in reverse order (from high to low, descending). val result2 = positions.sorted(Ordering.Int.reverse) println(result2) // The original list is unchanged. println(positions) } }
List(10, 20, 30, 300, 300) List(300, 300, 30, 20, 10) List(300, 20, 10, 300, 30)
SortWith. To use this function, we must pass another function (called "lt"). The argument function, specified as a lambda, must return true if the first argument is less than the second.
Here We sort a List of strings by their lengths. To come first, a string must have a smaller length (shortest are first).
object Program { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // Contains 4 strings of different lengths. val codes = List("abc", "defg", "hi", "jklmn") // Sort list by lengths of strings. val result = codes.sortWith((x, y) => x.length() < y.length()) // Print all strings in sorted list. result.foreach(println(_)) } }
hi abc defg jklmn
SortBy. With this function, we specify a lambda to create a special sorting key (like a tuple). Here we build a two-element tuple based on each string in the list.
Note Our sort key uses the second char (at index 1) before the first char (at index 0). So the following digit is the primary sort.
Tip Any transformation function that yields something that can be sorted (that has an Ordering) can be used.
object Program { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // These ids all have a start char and an ending digit. val ids = List("a5", "b0", "z0", "c9", "d9", "d0", "d5") // Use sortBy. // ... Create a sort key. // The second char is first. // And the first char second. val result = ids.sortBy((x: String) => (x.charAt(1), x.charAt(0))) // Print our sorted ids. result.foreach(println(_)) } }
b0 d0 z0 a5 d5 c9 d9
Review. In Scala we do not sort Lists in-place. They are immutable. But we use lambda expressions, and the Ordering type, to create sorted copies of these lists.
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Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.
This page was last updated on Dec 13, 2023 (edit).
© 2007-2024 Sam Allen.