Sort. Imagine a million lines of text—with no sorting it is impossible to find a certain line. But with sorting it can be easily located.
In Node.js we discover a sort method on arrays. This method can receive a function that determines how elements are sorted. With no arguments, it sorts in an ascending order.
First example. Here we introduce an array called "patterns" that has 3 strings in it. We then invoke sort() on our patterns array.
Result The array's elements are reordered. The string "abc" comes first as it is the earliest alphabetically.
var patterns = ["def", "xyz", "abc"];
// Sort the string array.
console.log("SORTED: " + patterns);SORTED: abc,def,xyz
Modifies in-place. We can assign a variable to the result of sort() but there is no point to this. Sort() modifies the existing array.
Tip To keep the originally-ordered array around, a copy of the array would need to be made.
var patterns = ["def", "xyz", "abc"];
var result = patterns.sort();
// The original array is sorted.
console.log("VARIABLE 1: " + patterns);
console.log("VARIABLE 2: " + result);VARIABLE 1: abc,def,xyz
VARIABLE 2: abc,def,xyz
Integer array. In most programming languages numbers are sorted as numbers. But in JavaScript we find that numbers are sorted as strings. So 10 comes before 2 because 1 comes before 2.
Here We override the default sorting behavior with a function. In our function "compare" we sort two integers by their difference.
So Numbers are sorted by their numeric values, and smaller numbers precede larger ones.
var numbers = [-1, 100, 10, 1, 2, 3];
// Numbers are sorted as strings by default.
console.log("SORT 1: " + numbers);
// This function sorts numbers.// ... We compare two numbers by subtracting one from the other.
var compare = function(a, b) {
return a - b;
// Sort numbers in a numeric way.
console.log("SORT 2: " + numbers);SORT 1: -1,1,10,100,2,3
SORT 2: -1,1,2,3,10,100
LocaleCompare. The localeCompare method handles non-ASCII characters (like those with accents) in a correct way. It should be used when sorting strings.
Here We use localCompare to sort a string array from low to high (in ascending alphabetical order).
Then We use a descending string sort. We compare the second string to the first in reverseAlphabetical.
Tip It is possible to call reverse() after sorting a string array. But with localeCompare we can directly sort in reverse order.
var unsorted = ["def", "xyz", "ghi", "abc"];
function alphabetical(a, b) {
// Use localeCompare.
return a.localeCompare(b);
function reverseAlphabetical(a, b) {
// Use localeCompare with second compared to first.
return b.localeCompare(a);
// Sort in alphabetical order.
console.log("LOCALECOMPARE 1: " + unsorted);
// Sort in reverse alphabetical order.
console.log("LOCALECOMPARE 2: " + unsorted);LOCALECOMPARE 1: abc,def,ghi,xyz
LOCALECOMPARE 2: xyz,ghi,def,abc
Summary. Arrays are common in Node programs—we use them everywhere. With sort() we change the ordering of elements in arrays to conform to a pattern.
Dot Net Perls is a collection of tested code examples. Pages are continually updated to stay current, with code correctness a top priority.
Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.
This page was last updated on Dec 14, 2023 (edit).