With this function, we use a type argument with const generic syntax. This is the turbofish operator (which specifies a type). Size_of is evaluated at compile-time.
Example. To begin we introduce 2 structs, Test and TestPacked. They both have the same contents, but TestPacked uses the packed repr to minimize padding.
Step 1 We access the memory size of the Test struct. Note that no struct needs to be created in the program.
Step 2 We call size_of for TestPacked. This reveals its memory size is just 33 bytes versus 40 for Test.
Step 3 We compute the size of the fields of the 2 structs using size_of as well. Each call can be computed at compile-time.
use std::mem;
struct Test {
valid: bool,
length: usize,
items: Vec<u8>,
struct TestPacked {
valid: bool,
length: usize,
items: Vec<u8>,
fn main() {
// Step 1: get size of Test struct.
println!("Test = {} bytes", mem::size_of::<Test>());
// Step 2: size of TestPacked struct (with repr packed).
println!("TestPacked = {} bytes", mem::size_of::<TestPacked>());
// Step 3: print sizes of the fields of Test and TestPacked.
println!("Bool = {} bytes", mem::size_of::<bool>());
println!("Usize = {} bytes", mem::size_of::<usize>());
println!("Vec = {} bytes", mem::size_of::<Vec<u8>>());
}Test = 40 bytes
TestPacked = 33 bytes
Bool = 1 bytes
Usize = 8 bytes
Vec = 24 bytes
For vectors, we have 24 bytes for the reference. This is 3 words (at 8 bytes per word) and these are for the length, capacity, and the memory location of elements.
For calculating sizes of structs, size_of is useful. It uses const generic syntax (turbofish style) which can be confusing at first, but can be memorized.
Dot Net Perls is a collection of tested code examples. Pages are continually updated to stay current, with code correctness a top priority.
Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.