value = "aabc"# Replace a substring with another.
result = value.replace("bc", "yz")
# Replace the first occurrence with a substring.
result = value.replace("a", "x", 1)
Replace count. The third argument to replace() is optional. If we specify it, the replace method replaces that number of occurrences—this is a count argument.
Here We have a string that says "cat cat cat" and we replace all occurrences, 0 occurrences, and 1 and 2 occurrences.
before = "cat cat cat"
# Replace all occurrences.
after = before.replace("cat", "bird")
# Replace zero occurrences.# ... This makes no sense.
after = before.replace("cat", "bird", 0)
# Replace 1 occurrence.
after = before.replace("cat", "bird", 1)
# Replace first 2 occurrences.
after = before.replace("cat", "bird", 2)
print(after)cat cat cat
bird bird bird
cat cat cat
bird cat cat
bird bird cat
A note. Replace() is needed to change a part of string to a new string. If the index of the match is known, we could use two slices and then construct a new string with concatenation.
A summary. With replace() we copy a string. The original is not changed. The copied string has the specified number of substrings replaced with a new substring (if found).
Dot Net Perls is a collection of tested code examples. Pages are continually updated to stay current, with code correctness a top priority.
Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.