Record. It is possible to add as many class types as necessary for a Java program. But for clarity of the code, and ease of maintenance, using records to reduce code size is possible.
With the record keyword, we can create a class with multiple fields. An optional constructor, with simplified syntax, can also be added for validation.
Example. This Java program defines 3 different records, and then creates one instance of each of them. Records can be defined at the class level, or locally within a method.
Part 1 The ShopEntry record has a String and an int, and it is defined within the Program class. We create an instance of ShopEntry.
Part 2 We define the ShopEntry2 record type locally, and create an instance of it. Records have special code to print out their values.
Part 3 We can specify a constructor on a record. We locally define ShopEntry3 and call toUpperCase in its constructor.
public class Program {
// Created in main.
record ShopEntry (String name, int cost) {}
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Part 1: create new entry from class-level record.
ShopEntry s = new ShopEntry("shoes", 200);
// Part 2: use local record and create an instance of it.
record ShopEntry2 (String name, int size) {}
ShopEntry2 s2 = new ShopEntry2("pants", 40);
// Part 3: use local record with simplified constructor.
record ShopEntry3 (String name, int id) {
ShopEntry3 {
name = name.toUpperCase();
id = id;
ShopEntry3 s3 = new ShopEntry3("hat", 30);
}ShopEntry[name=shoes, cost=200]
ShopEntry2[name=pants, size=40]
ShopEntry3[name=HAT, id=30]
Some notes. For complicated types with many uses in a program, a class is probably worth creating. But if a type is only used in one place, and is simple, a record is a good option.
Tip We can also use the instanceof operator with records, to determine whether an Object is an instance of a certain record.
Summary. Much like records in other object-oriented programming languages, the records in Java provide a lightweight, low-syntax class type. They can be used like classes in most ways.
Dot Net Perls is a collection of tested code examples. Pages are continually updated to stay current, with code correctness a top priority.
Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.