Random. In Swift 5.8, we compute random Ints with a Foundation function. With arc4random, we can begin a random sequence of numbers. Our program will begin a different sequence each time.
Some notes. Arc4random is a good choice for random numbers in many Swift programs. But it is not sufficient for some—it is a pseudo-random number generator.
A first example. This example uses the arc4random function. In Xcode you can scroll through a list of functions by typing a few characters like "ar."
Info Arc4random returns a random number. As we see in the output this number has a large range but is positive.
Here We use some logic in a repeat-while loop to test our random numbers. We use modulo division to terminate the loop.
import Foundation
// Use infinite "repeat while true" loop.
repeat {
// Get random number with arc4random.
let number = arc4random()
print("The computer selected: \(number)")
// Check for multiple of 10.
if number % 10 == 0 {
print("Divisible by 10, stopping loop.")
if number % 5 == 0 {
print("Divisible by 5, you are a winner.")
} while trueThe computer selected: 1580707251
The computer selected: 2169372518
The computer selected: 2188614733
The computer selected: 2102187726
The computer selected: 1259434845
Divisible by 5, you are a winner.
The computer selected: 4203979483
The computer selected: 3751678511
The computer selected: 1143995553
The computer selected: 1399438296
The computer selected: 4189143210
Divisible by 10, stopping loop.
Arc4random, seed. With arc4random, a different sequence is generated each time a program is run. No special seed value must be specified.
Important With arc4random, programs will not have the same results each time they are run.
import Foundation
// With arc4random we do not need to seed the random number generator.// ... A difference sequence is generated each time.
for _ in 0...3 {
(Second run)
With helpful Foundation methods, we generate random numbers in Swift. Arc4random is used for best pseudo-random results. It does not need a special seed.
Dot Net Perls is a collection of tested code examples. Pages are continually updated to stay current, with code correctness a top priority.
Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.
This page was last updated on Aug 23, 2023 (edit).