query ExamplesUse the query keyword to write LINQ expressions and sort, count, or filter elements with where.
This page was last reviewed on Nov 23, 2023.
Query. With LINQ we can use advanced query expressions in F# code. These queries, which are specified with the query keyword, are similar to SQL statements on native code.
In F#, we begin query expressions with the query keyword, and then the "for" keyword. We can use select to get values as a result, or other functions like count or lastOrDefault.
Example. We test 4 different query expressions in this example. Some of the queries return a single result value, and others return a sequence we evaluate with Seq.iter.
Part 1 With this query, we count all the elements in the array of numbers. Since there are 4 elements, the result is 4.
Part 2 It is possible to use sorting in query expressions. We use the sortBy clause to order the numbers from low to high.
Part 3 With "where" we filter elements with a query. Here we keep numbers only greater than or equal to 50, which leaves 55.
Part 4 With lastOrDefault, we either keep the last result if one exists, or the default value—which for int is 0.
let numbers = [45; 5; 55; 10] // Part 1: use query expression with count. let query1 = query { for number in numbers do select number count } printfn $"QUERY1: {query1}" // Part 2: use query with sortBy and display with Seq.iter. let query2 = query { for number in numbers do sortBy number select number } query2 |> Seq.iter (fun n -> printfn $"QUERY2: {n}") // Part 3: use query with where. let query3 = query { for number in numbers do where (number >= 50) select number } for n in query3 do printfn $"QUERY3: {n}" // Part 4: use query with where and lastOrDefault. let query4 = query { for number in numbers do where (number = 3000) lastOrDefault } printfn $"QUERY4: {query4}"
QUERY1: 4 QUERY2: 5 QUERY2: 10 QUERY2: 45 QUERY2: 55 QUERY3: 55 QUERY4: 0
Query results. A query returns an IEnumerable collection. We can evaluate the contents of the IEnumerable in F# with Seq.iter or with a for-do loop.
And The results are discovered lazily. So the queries are only executed when the Seq.iter or for-do are run.
While the query keyword block complicates syntax, queries in F# are still powerful and concise. They are probably the easiest way to perform complex sorts and filtering operations.
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Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.
This page was last updated on Nov 23, 2023 (new).
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