Os Exec, Command. Often a program needs to start other programs. Not everything can be done in a single Golang program. So we can invoke external processes.
We can import the os/exec package. Then we create a Command with 1 or 2 arguments (we pass the process name, and its arguments in separately).
An example. To begin, we Start a Firefox process. You will need to adjust the path to the Firefox application yourself—on Linux this is firefox-bin.
Start We call the Start func, and a Firefox window pops upon the computer. Start() does not wait for the process to end.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create command.// ... The application is not executed yet.
cmd := exec.Command("/home/sam/Downloads/firefox/firefox-bin")
fmt.Println("Starting command")
// Run firefox-bin.// ... This starts a web browser instance.// It does not wait for it to finish.
}Starting command
Argument. Here we start an external process with an argument. We pass the argument string to the Command, after the process name itself.
Here We open Firefox and view Wikipedia's English home page. The next several hours of your time might disappear quickly.
package main
import (
func main() {
// New command with 1 argument.
browser := "/home/sam/Downloads/firefox/firefox-bin"
argument := "https://en.wikipedia.org/";
cmd := exec.Command(browser, argument)
// Run firefox-bin and load URL specified in argument.
Run. Unlike Start, the Run() func waits for the process to end before returning. Here we Run() a Python program. When the program ends, we read its exit value (which is 100 here).
package main
import (
func main() {
// Run this Python program from Go.
cmd := exec.Command("python", "/home/sam/test.py")
// Wait for the Python program to exit.
err := cmd.Run()
fmt.Println("Finished:", err)
Finished: exit status 100# This is a Python program.
LookPath, slice arguments. This is a more complex, and probably useful, example. Sometimes we need to use LookPath to get the actual program location to invoke it correctly.
And We want to pass a string slice to the exec.Command method for the arguments.
Tip We use the 3-dot syntax (an ellipsis) to specify the string slice is to be passed to the variable-argument method Command().
Tip 2 On macOS it is effective to pass each argument to a program separately as a string. Use LookPath to get the program's location.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Get path for cwebp program.
exe, _ := exec.LookPath("cwebp")
// Build up argument string with slice.
arguments := []string{}
arguments = append(arguments, "/Users/sam/todo.png")
arguments = append(arguments, "-o")
arguments = append(arguments, "/Users/sam/todo.webp")
// Call exec.Command with arguments string.
cmd := exec.Command(exe, arguments...)
// Run program.
err := cmd.Run()
A summary. With Command, we launch external processes like Firefox and Python (or any EXE or script). We must invoke Start() or Run() to execute the code.
Dot Net Perls is a collection of tested code examples. Pages are continually updated to stay current, with code correctness a top priority.
Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.
This page was last updated on Jul 11, 2021 (new example).