Math.Ceiling, Floor. Often numbers need to be manipulated. We can round a number upwards to the nearest integer (with a ceiling function), or down with a floor function.
With VB.NET methods, these functions are available without any development work. We invoke Math.Ceiling and Floor, often with Doubles with fractional parts.
Ceiling example. To begin we use the Math.Ceiling function. We pass in Double values and Ceiling returns a Double. Ceiling always changes a fractional value to be the higher integer.
And With negative and positive numbers, this is not changed. The ceiling of -1.23 is -1.
Module Module1
Sub Main()
' Ceiling returns the next highest integer if a fraction part exists.
Dim result As Double = Math.Ceiling(1.23)
Console.WriteLine("CEILING 1.23: " + result.ToString)
Dim result2 As Double = Math.Ceiling(-1.23)
Console.WriteLine("CEILING -1.23: " + result2.ToString)
Dim result3 As Double = Math.Ceiling(1)
Console.WriteLine("CEILING 1: " + result3.ToString)
End Sub
End ModuleCEILING 1.23: 2
CEILING -1.23: -1
Floor example. With floor, we change a number with a fractional part to be the lower integer. Even a number like 1.99 is changed to 1. And integers are left unchanged.
Module Module1
Sub Main()
' Floor changes a number to the lower integer if a fraction part is present.
Dim floor As Double = Math.Floor(1.99)
Console.WriteLine("FLOOR 1.99: " + floor.ToString)
Dim floor2 As Double = Math.Floor(-1.99)
Console.WriteLine("FLOOR -1.99: " + floor2.ToString)
End Sub
End ModuleFLOOR 1.99: 1
FLOOR -1.99: -2
Ceiling and Floor are important functions in the .NET Framework. We rarely need to implement these mathematical methods—we use the reliable ones contained in the Framework.
Dot Net Perls is a collection of tested code examples. Pages are continually updated to stay current, with code correctness a top priority.
Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.