JSON Example: Marshal, Unmarshal
This page was last reviewed on Feb 18, 2023.
Dot Net Perls
JSON. With JSON we have a fast way to store object models as text. Strings, ints—any objects—are supported. Golang provides a built-in encoding library.
Func notes. With Unmarshal(), we convert data from JSON to a Go struct. And with Marshal, we perform the opposite conversion from a Go object to JSON data.
Simple example. To start, suppose we have a JSON string, and wish to convert it to a Golang object. We can use Unmarshal(), and then treat the object as any other.
package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" ) type AnimalData struct { Bird int Cat string } func main() { // Input data. text := "{\"Bird\":10,\"Cat\":\"Fuzzy\"}" bytes := []byte(text) // Get struct from string. var animal AnimalData json.Unmarshal(bytes, &animal) // Print result. fmt.Printf("BIRD = %v, CAT = %v", animal.Bird, animal.Cat) fmt.Println() }
BIRD = 10, CAT = Fuzzy
Marshal. Continuing on, we convert a Golang struct into JSON data. We have a type Box, which is a custom struct. It has 4 fields—a Width, Height, Color and a bool called Open.
Start We create an instance of our Box type. We specify its Width, Height, Color and its Open value.
Info Marshal receives an object instance. We pass it our Box instance and it converts it to a byte slice of the encoded data.
Result We convert our bytes (b) to a string and display them with fmt.Println.
package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" ) type Box struct { Width int Height int Color string Open bool } func main() { // Create an instance of the Box struct. box := Box{ Width: 10, Height: 20, Color: "blue", Open: false, } // Create JSON from the instance data. // ... Ignore errors. b, _ := json.Marshal(box) // Convert bytes to string. s := string(b) fmt.Println(s) }
Unmarshal, complex example. Here we take JSON data (in bytes) and convert it to Go objects. The string keys in the JSON are matched to the field names in the structs.
Here We specify a JSON string as text. We then convert it to a byte slice with a conversion.
Next We invoke Unmarshal by passing a pointer to an empty array of structs. The Languages slice is empty, but Unmarshal populates it.
Finally We loop over the structs that were created by Unmarshal(). We display their Id and Name fields.
package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" ) type Language struct { Id int Name string } func main() { // String contains two JSON rows. text := "[{\"Id\": 100, \"Name\": \"Go\"}, {\"Id\": 200, \"Name\": \"Java\"}]" // Get byte slice from string. bytes := []byte(text) // Unmarshal string into structs. var languages []Language json.Unmarshal(bytes, &languages) // Loop over structs and display them. for l := range languages { fmt.Printf("Id = %v, Name = %v", languages[l].Id, languages[l].Name) fmt.Println() } }
Id = 100, Name = Go Id = 200, Name = Java
Int array. In JSON we can have arrays that contain values (like 100, 200, 300). These are labeled with a key (like Positions). Here we handle an int array and get an int slice from it.
Here Result contains an int slice with field name Positions. This where the int array values are placed.
And We use this to convert our byte array of JSON data into a single struct. Finally we print values on the Result struct.
package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" ) type Result struct { Positions []int } func main() { // This JSON contains an int array. text := "{\"Positions\": [100, 200, 300, -1]}" // Get bytes. bytes := []byte(text) // Unmarshal JSON to Result struct. var result Result json.Unmarshal(bytes, &result) // Our int array is filled. fmt.Printf("Positions = %v", result.Positions) fmt.Println() // Print int array length. fmt.Printf("Length = %v", len(result.Positions)) fmt.Println() }
Positions = [100 200 300 -1] Length = 4
Write JSON file. Usually we do not just want to display JSON strings to the console. We can use ioutil.WriteFile after invoking json.Marshal to write a JSON file to the disk.
Info This program creates a slice of structs, each with different int fields. The JSON uses the field names from BoxData.
Detail The finally argument to WriteFile is the file permissions—this is just something you copy if you want to write a new file.
package main import ( "encoding/json" "io/ioutil" ) type BoxData struct { Width int Height int } func main() { // Empty slice. boxes := []BoxData{} boxes = append(boxes, BoxData{Width: 10, Height: 20}) boxes = append(boxes, BoxData{Width: 5, Height: 30}) // Get JSON bytes for slice. b, _ := json.Marshal(boxes) // Write entire JSON file. ioutil.WriteFile(`C:\programs\jsongo.json`, b, 0644) }
A review. With these JSON methods we convert Go objects to JSON and back again. The "encoding/json" package is powerful: it enables robust support for this lightweight format.
Dot Net Perls is a collection of tested code examples. Pages are continually updated to stay current, with code correctness a top priority.
Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.
This page was last updated on Feb 18, 2023 (edit).
© 2007-2024 Sam Allen.