Function Examples
This page was last reviewed on Nov 25, 2022.
Dot Net Perls
Function. A Function returns a value. It uses a special syntax form in the VB.NET language. The Function optionally accepts one or more parameters—these are called formal parameters.
A Function is part of a Module, Class or Structure. A Function is called from other Functions, Subs or Properties. It can be reused throughout a program.
First example. This program shows the Function keyword. We provide an Area Function: this Function receives a radius. It returns a Double that is the area of a circle with that radius.
Detail Area receives one formal parameter of type Double. Specifying the type of the parameter is optional but advised.
Return The Function returns a value of type Double. After the formal parameter list, the keywords "As Double" indicate the return type.
Module Module1 ''' <summary> ''' Get area of a circle with specified radius. ''' </summary> Function Area(ByVal radius As Double) As Double Return Math.PI * Math.Pow(radius, 2) End Function Sub Main() Dim a As Double = Area(4.0) Console.WriteLine(a) End Sub End Module
No argument. A Function must return a value—otherwise we must use a Subroutine. But a Function does not need to receive a value—it can have an empty parameter list.
Module Module1 Function GetID() As Integer ' This function receives no arguments. Return 100 End Function Sub Main() ' Use GetID function. Console.WriteLine(GetID()) End Sub End Module
Functions, Properties. What is the difference between a Function and a Property? A Property is a type of Function. The Get part of a Property can be implemented as a Function.
Info Properties are meant to replace getters and setters. If you have a Sub that sets a value, it can be changed to be a Property.
Tip At the level of the implementation, Properties are similar to Functions and Subs.
And If you want to, you can change all Properties on your types to Functions and Subs.
But On existing types, such as those in .NET, you must use the Property syntax if the member is a Property.
Module Module1 ReadOnly Property ID As Integer Get Return 100 End Get End Property Function GetID() As Integer Return 100 End Function Sub Main() ' Use property and function. Console.WriteLine("PROPERTY: {0}", ID) Console.WriteLine("FUNCTION: {0}", GetID()) End Sub End Module
Return values. A Function can only return one value. But if this value is a class or Structure, it can return many values in this step. ByRef can be used to set output parameters.
Multiple Return Values
A summary. Unlike a Sub, a Function returns a value. We must return this value—if we have no return value, we need to use a Sub instead. We can assign to the result of a Function.
Dot Net Perls is a collection of tested code examples. Pages are continually updated to stay current, with code correctness a top priority.
Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.
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