Convert Dictionary to String
This page was last reviewed on Nov 26, 2023.
Dot Net Perls
Convert Dictionary, String. With a custom VB.NET function, it is possible to convert a Dictionary into a String. And then the String can be persisted to a file.
Though other approaches are possible, such as JSON or binary encoding, the String code here is occasionally useful. It is simple, the output file is human-readable.
Example. This program performs 2 main tasks: it converts a Dictionary to a String, and then a String into a Dictionary. It also stores the data in a text file.
Step 1 We create a Dictionary, and then add 4 String keys along with 4 Integer values.
Step 2 We convert the Dictionary into a String by looping over its values with For Each, and appending to a StringBuilder.
Step 3 In GetDict, we read the Dictionary contents from a file, parsing it with Split. We return the fully-constructed Dictionary.
String Split
Imports System.IO Imports System.Text Module Module1 Sub Main(args as String()) ' Step 1: create a Dictionary. Dim data = New Dictionary(Of String, Integer)() data.Add("bird", 2) data.Add("frog", 1) data.Add("dog", 20) data.Add("rabbit", 3) ' Step 2: convert Dictionary to string and write it to the disk. Dim line = GetLine(data) File.WriteAllText("dict.txt", line) ' Step 3: convert string from file into Dictionary and loop over it. Dim result = GetDict("dict.txt") For Each pair in result Console.WriteLine($"PAIR: {pair}") Next End Sub Function GetLine(data As Dictionary(Of String, Integer)) As String ' Use StringBuilder to create a string containing pairs. Dim builder = New StringBuilder() For Each pair in data builder.Append(pair.Key).Append( ":").Append(pair.Value).Append(",") Next ' Remove end comma. Dim result = builder.ToString() result = result.TrimEnd(","c) Return result End Function Function GetDict(path As String) As Dictionary(Of String, Integer) ' Read in file, and Split it. Dim result = New Dictionary(Of String, Integer)() Dim value = File.ReadAllText(path) Dim tokens = value.Split(New Char() { ":"c, ","c }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) For i = 0 To tokens.Length - 1 ' Get name and value from this position, and store it in the Dictionary. Dim name = tokens(i) Dim freq = tokens(i + 1) Dim count = Integer.Parse(freq) result(name) = count i += 1 Next Return result End Function End Module
PAIR: [bird, 2] PAIR: [frog, 1] PAIR: [dog, 20] PAIR: [rabbit, 3]
Summary. It is possible to generate String data from a Dictionary's contents by looping over it with For Each. Then we can load the file, Split it, and create a Dictionary from it.
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Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.
This page was last updated on Nov 26, 2023 (new).
© 2007-2024 Sam Allen.