Array.ForEach Example
This page was last reviewed on Nov 10, 2023.
Dot Net Perls
Array.ForEach. Consider an array of objects in a VB.NET program. Sometimes we may want to call a subroutine on each object. The Array.ForEach subroutine, with a lambda, can achieve this goal.
With ForEach, we cannot use the result of any functions we call. So we must modify the objects somehow—ForEach does not return a result.
Example. In this example program, we need to have an array of objects on which we can call a method. We introduce the trivial Bird class for the example.
Step 1 To begin we create our array of Bird instances. We create 3 birds (all the same) just for the example.
Step 2 Here we invoke Array.ForEach and pass a lambda specified with the Sub keyword. The lambda calls Add() on each bird.
Step 3 In the Add() subroutine within Bird, we can do something like modify the Bird's state.
Module Module1 Class Bird Public Sub Add() ' Step 3: do something to the Bird class instance in this sub. Console.WriteLine("BIRD.ADD") End Sub End Class Sub Main() ' Step 1: create an array of objects. Dim birds() As Bird = { New Bird(), New Bird(), New Bird() } ' Step 2: call Array.ForEach with a Sub to invoke on each element. Array.ForEach(birds, Sub(bird as Bird) bird.Add() End Sub) End Sub End Module
Summary. Sometimes calling a subroutine on each object in an array can be useful. Each object may need to have its internal fields adjusted in response to some sort of external event.
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Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.
This page was last updated on Nov 10, 2023 (new).
© 2007-2024 Sam Allen.