String Truncate
This page was last reviewed on May 22, 2023.
Dot Net Perls
Truncate string. A string contains the letters "abcdef." But we just want the first 3 letters. We can truncate the string with a special Function.
With an inner Substring call, we can implement string truncation. We must first check the desired length to ensure it will not cause Substring to throw an exception.
Example code. Here is our Truncate implementation. The Main Sub calls the Truncate Function with some example strings. It specifies a string and a length.
Argument 1 In our Truncate example Function, the first argument is the source string. This is what we take a substring from.
String Substring
Argument 2 This is a length. This equals the count of characters we are truncating our string to.
Module Module1 Public Function Truncate(value As String, length As Integer) As String ' If argument is too big, return the original string. ' ... Otherwise take a substring from the string's start index. If length > value.Length Then Return value Else Return value.Substring(0, length) End If End Function Sub Main() ' Test the Truncate method with these two strings. Dim test1 As String = "ABC" Dim test2 As String = "ABCDEF" Dim result = Truncate(test1, 2) Console.WriteLine("2=" + result) Console.WriteLine("4=" + Truncate(test2, 4)) Console.WriteLine("100=" + Truncate(test2, 100)) End Sub End Module
A logical step. In Truncate, we have an If-statement. We cannot use Substring with a length that is beyond the end of our string. So we ensure our "length" argument is not too large.
String truncation ensures a string does not exceed a certain number of characters. It does not provide padding to a specific character count.
String PadRight, PadLeft
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Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.
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