struct Examples
This page was last reviewed on Apr 19, 2023.
Dot Net Perls
Struct. Often in Golang programs we have related data. For example, we might have X and Y coordinates. With a struct, we can store these together.
With structs, we create new types that contain different fields and methods. Ints and strings can be stored in structs. We use the struct keyword.
Create struct. We specify the type Location struct. This has 3 fields and no methods. The "x" and "y" fields are both ints, and there is a bool that indicates validity.
Info We use the type keyword before the name of the struct. The Location here is not an instance—it is something we must create with new.
Version 1 Here we see the new() syntax for creating an instance of struct type. We assign the "x" field of the struct to a value.
Version 2 We use an initializer to create a new instance of the struct. We can just specify the field names we want to set.
package main import "fmt" type Location struct { x int y int valid bool } func main() { // Version 1: create a Location struct instance and set a field. loc := new(Location) loc.x = 10 fmt.Println(loc.x) // Version 2: use initializer syntax. loc2 := Location{x: 10} fmt.Println(loc2.x) }
10 10
Slice, struct pointers. This program reuses our Location struct. It specifies two fields of the struct on one line. And in main(), it creates a slice of struct pointers.
Start We create an empty slice of structs. These are pointers—which are variables of a specific type.
Next We create two Location structs with the new keyword. We use append to add these to our slice.
Finally We loop over all indexes in our slice. We use fmt.Println to display the struct data to the console.
package main import "fmt" type Location struct { x, y int valid bool } func main() { // Create empty slice of struct pointers. places := []*Location{} // Create struct and append it to the slice. loc := new(Location) loc.x = 10 loc.y = 20 loc.valid = true places = append(places, loc) // Create another struct. loc = new(Location) loc.x = 5 loc.y = 8 loc.valid = true places = append(places, loc) // Loop over all indexes in the slice. // ... Print all struct data. for i := range(places) { place := places[i] fmt.Println("Location:", place) } }
Location: &{10 20 true} Location: &{5 8 true}
Map keys. A struct can be used as the key of a map. We create struct instances and use their values to assign map data. We access the value of a struct "m" with "*m" to add the key.
Start We create 3 structs and add them all as keys in the "storage" map. The value for each is "true."
Then We create 2 structs and use them to look up values in the map. We get the correct results.
package main import "fmt" type Measure struct { size int unit string } func main() { // A map with struct keys. storage := map[Measure]bool{} // Add 3 structs as keys in the map. m := new(Measure) m.size = 10 m.unit = "centimeters" storage[*m] = true m = new(Measure) m.size = 20 m.unit = "feet" storage[*m] = true m = new(Measure) m.size = 10 m.unit = "decibels" storage[*m] = true // There are 3 keys in the map. fmt.Println("Map len", len(storage)) // Create structs to look up values in the map. key := new(Measure) key.size = 10 key.unit = "centimeters" v := storage[*key] fmt.Println("Result", key, v) key = new(Measure) key.size = 100 key.unit = "decibels" v = storage[*key] fmt.Println("Result", key, v) }
Map len 3 Result &{10 centimeters} true Result &{100 decibels} false
Interface. With interfaces, we create abstractions that can be used to reference many types at once. This is confusing at first, but leads to clearer programs.
A review. With structs, we combine fields and funcs. We can use slices and maps with structs to build more complex collections. This is powerful and intuitive.
Dot Net Perls is a collection of tested code examples. Pages are continually updated to stay current, with code correctness a top priority.
Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.
This page was last updated on Apr 19, 2023 (edit).
© 2007-2024 Sam Allen.