String Examples: String.map
This page was last reviewed on Nov 21, 2023.
Dot Net Perls
Strings. In the F# language we use .NET string methods like IndexOf and ToLower. We call these methods within functional constructs.
String notes. With String.map we can apply a mapping to all characters in a string. A lambda expression is used. We can chain string manipulations together in a pipeline.
First example. This example adds three string functions. In uppercase() it calls ToUpper. In addGreeting and addComma it adds some surrounding text to a string.
Info In the "let result" statement we pipeline the three methods together with a name argument (with value "visitor").
Result The 3 functions handle the string in order and the resulting text has been processed as expected.
// Three string manipulation functions. let uppercase (x : string) = x.ToUpper() let addGreeting (x : string) = "Hi " + x let addComma (x : string) = x + "," // Used to compute result. let name = "visitor" // Apply three string functions with pipeline operator on the name. let result = name |> uppercase |> addGreeting |> addComma // Write result. printfn "%A" result
String.map. In F# we find a String.map function that changes each character in a string according to a function argument. We use upperMap here to uppercase only the letters "a" and "z."
Start We use pattern-matching in the upperMap function to determine how to modify the letter.
Tip With String.map we have an effective way to translate strings. For something like a ROT13 transformation this is ideal.
let value = "abcxyz" // This function only uppercases 2 letters. let upperMap = fun c -> match c with | 'a' -> 'A' | 'x' -> 'X' | _ -> c // Apply our upperMap function with String.map. let result = String.map upperMap value printfn "%A" result
Methods. With F# we can invoke string methods from the .NET Framework. Some of the top methods are Split, IndexOf, Replace. These help us make programs that actually do things.
String IndexOf
String Split
String Replace
String Substring
Parse, convert int. With Int32.TryParse, we can convert a string to an int. No custom parsing logic is needed. The F# language requires special syntax here.
Ciphers, ROT13. With the ROT13 cipher, we rotate (shift) characters 13 places. We learn character-based manipulation of strings. With F# we employ the String.map function.
Summary. We use strings in almost all programs, even functional F# ones. With the heavily-tested, fast string methods from .NET, we have a powerful string solution.
Dot Net Perls is a collection of tested code examples. Pages are continually updated to stay current, with code correctness a top priority.
Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.
This page was last updated on Nov 21, 2023 (edit).
© 2007-2024 Sam Allen.