Property Examples
This page was last reviewed on Aug 22, 2023.
Dot Net Perls
Properties. In Swift 5.8 a property is part of a class or structure. On a Box class, we might add a Width, Height. A property can be constant, but is often computed when accessed.
A property may be lazy, computed only on first access. With the property observers willSet and didSet we can run code as an object is modified.
First example. This program declares a Square class. On the class, it has a "color" property of type String. The init method sets the color to a value provided.
Note The property may be accessed from the calling code. It can be read or assigned.
Note 2 The property "color" is declared with var because it is variable. A constant property uses let.
class Square { var color: String init(color: String) { // Initialize the property. self.color = color } } // Create instance of class. var test = Square(color: "blue") // Print property value. print(test.color) // Reassign property and print it again. test.color = "red" print(test.color)
blue red
Lazy. This keyword indicates a property that is initialized as late as possible. So a lazy property is not initialized at the same time as the surrounding class.
Info The lazy property is initialized right before it is first accessed. Further accesses then reuse the data.
Note A lazy property calls an init method like Color() here—it cannot use just a value.
Here We see that "color" is initialized right before its first access. Without lazy, Color() is run earlier.
class Color { var name: String init() { print("Color init called") self.name = "Blue" } } class Square { lazy var color: Color = Color() init() { print("Square init called") } } var test = Square() print("Before property use") // Use property. // ... It is initialized before first use. print(test.color.name) print(test.color.name) print("After property use")
Square init called Before property use Color init called Blue Blue After property use
Computed properties. A computed property is not directly stored in memory. Instead it uses the "get" and "set" keywords to compute a result.
Start Init() is run when the property is accessed. Here it returns the wingLength times 2.
Note Set stores a value (with the keyword "newValue"). This writes to the class memory.
Note 2 NewValue is a special name in a set computed property. It refers to the value the property is being set to.
class Bird { var wingLength: Int var wingSpan: Int { get { // This computed property is based on wingLength. return wingLength * 2 } set { // Store the results of a computation. wingLength = newValue / 2 } } init() { self.wingLength = 0 } } var parrot = Bird() // We write and read the results of the computed properties. parrot.wingSpan = 2 print(parrot.wingSpan)
Read-only property. Sometimes a property needs no "set" block. Instead it just returns a computed value each time it is used. A read-only property is ideal here.
Note The "get" keyword can be omitted when no "set" is present. The get is assumed by the Swift compiler.
class Car { var damageLevel: Int var isJunker: Bool { // This is a computed read-only property. return damageLevel >= 10 } init(damageLevel: Int) { self.damageLevel = damageLevel } } // This car has a high level of damage. let car1 = Car(damageLevel: 20) print(car1.isJunker) // This car has a low level of damage. let car2 = Car(damageLevel: 1) print(car2.isJunker)
true false
Property observers. These use the willSet and didSet keywords. They are special methods that are run before a property is set (willSet) and after (didSet).
Note WillSet is triggered by an assignment to the property. It allows us to read the current value before it is changed.
Note 2 DidSet lets us read both values—the previous one and the new one that was just set.
Finally OldValue is a special name in the didSet method. It is the previous value of the property before it was altered.
class Volume { var level: Int = 0 { willSet { // Print current value. print("willSet") print(level) } didSet { // Print both oldValue and present value. print("didSet") print(oldValue) print(level) } } } // Use property on class. // ... Trigger willSet and didSet observers. var v = Volume() v.level = 4
willSet 0 didSet 0 4
Subscript. This is a special kind of property. With a subscript, we can access a value in a class with arguments. The syntax is similar to an array access.
A review. Properties control access to classes. They provide optimizations with the lazy keyword. In get and set we can compute dynamic properties.
Dot Net Perls is a collection of tested code examples. Pages are continually updated to stay current, with code correctness a top priority.
Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.
This page was last updated on Aug 22, 2023 (edit).
© 2007-2024 Sam Allen.