Method Examples
This page was last reviewed on Aug 29, 2023.
Dot Net Perls
Methods. In Ruby, we use methods throughout programs. Iterators are built with methods. We find methods on classes (instance methods) and at the top level of programs.
Concepts. Methods are a form of structured programming. They provide easily-reusable blocks of code. With these blocks, we construct more complex logical models.
First example. Here we use a method. It accepts one parameter of identifier "value." It returns a value, the result of an expression evaluation—the argument is multiplied by 100.
Here We see a nested method call in the final assignment. We call the calculate() method with an argument of 2.
Return This returns 200. We then pass that value, 200, to the calculate method again, which again multiplies by 100.
def calculate(value) # Multiply by 100 and return. return value * 100 end # Call calculate method. result1 = calculate(5) result2 = calculate(10) result3 = calculate(calculate(2)) # Print results. print result1, "\n" print result2, "\n" print result3, "\n"
500 1000 20000
Default. Ruby supports default values for parameters. We assign to the parameters within the method definition. Here, the compute method has two parameters. And both have default values.
So When we call compute with two explicit parameters (5, 5) neither of the defaults are used.
However When we use just one parameter, the second argument (height) uses the default value of 10.
Finally We invoke the compute method with no arguments. The defaults are both used. So we get a result of 10 times 10, or 100.
def compute(width = 10, height = 10) # Uses default values for parameters if not specified. return width * height end # 5 times 5. puts compute(5, 5) # 5 times 10. puts compute(5) # 10 times 10. puts compute
25 50 100
Implicit return. An implicit return value is one that is not specified. In Ruby, the last expression evaluated is used as a return value. So we can avoid typing the "return" keyword.
Here We specify no return keyword in the test method. We call it with two arguments (and omit the parentheses).
Important This syntax form does not work if we have multiple return statements in a method. The "return" is required.
def test(x, y) # This expression is evaluated and returned. (x * 10) + y end # Call test with two arguments. result = test 5, 10 # Display the result. # ... (5 * 10) + 10 = 60 puts result
Keyword arguments. We can call methods with keyword arguments. To call a method with a keyword, the method def must have the keywords specified in its declaration.
Tip To specify a keyword argument (in the def itself or the method call) please use a ":" after an identifier in the argument list.
Tip 2 Positional arguments (those specified by position, not keyword) must come before keyword arguments.
def display(name: "?", id: 0, size: 0) # Display all keyword arguments. print "Name: ", name, "\n" print "Id: ", id, "\n" print "Size: ", size, "\n" end # Call method with keyword arguments. display(id: 10, size: 5, name: "cat")
Name: cat Id: 10 Size: 5
Variable arguments. A method can receive a variable number of arguments. We use a star before the argument name. And that argument becomes an array that stores as many parameters as needed.
Note This syntax is similar to calling a method with an explicit array. The syntax may be clearer in some contexts.
However In my experience, using explicit arrays is often better. It makes the usage of the def methods more obvious.
def test(*items) # Iterate over the elements in the array. items.each do |item| puts item end end # Call with three arguments. test("abc", "def", "ghi")
abc def ghi
Alias. A method can be aliased with the alias keyword. When the alias is called, the original method is invoked. This works like a macro. Sometimes using an alias can make code clearer.
def method() puts "Hello" end # Alias the identifier "m" to "method" alias m method # Call method. m()
Begin, end. Ruby supports the BEGIN and END blocks. If we want to ensure some statements run at start or exit time, these statements are useful. They must be in all capital letters.
Note The positions of BEGIN and END in the source file do not matter. END may be used like an "ensure" statement for an entire file.
# Code in BEGIN is run before anything else. BEGIN { puts(1) } # Code in END is run afterwards. END { puts(2) } # This is after BEGIN and before END. puts "Middle"
1 Middle 2
Defined. The "defined?" and undef methods test to see if a method has been defined. We can use defined in an if-statement to see if a method can be invoked.
Note The question mark means the method is a predicate—it returns true or false.
Detail With undef we can erase a method and make it no longer accessible. We modify the program during execution.
def test() puts "Hello world" end # The test method is now defined. if defined?(test) puts true end # Undefine the method. undef test # The method is no longer defined. if !defined?(test) puts false end
true false
Nil return. An empty method returns nil. It has no statements, so the evaluation result of the last statement cannot be returned.
# This empty method returns nil. def test end # Test return value of method. if test() == nil puts true end
Review. We create programs that do nontrivial things, that solve problems. With "defined?" we test whether a method is defined. With recursion we create brute-force solvers.
Dot Net Perls is a collection of tested code examples. Pages are continually updated to stay current, with code correctness a top priority.
Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.
This page was last updated on Aug 29, 2023 (edit).
© 2007-2024 Sam Allen.