Math Examples
This page was last reviewed on Sep 14, 2022.
Dot Net Perls
Math. In Ruby we invoke built-in Math functions. Sqrt returns a square root. The sin, cos and tan methods relate parts of a triangle. There are two constants: PI and E.
Math usage. Other built-in functions we can apply include the abs() function, to take absolute values. Many Ruby programs can use and benefit from these methods.
Constants. Here we call Math methods and use Math constants. This program uses sqrt() on 9, which returns 3. It also prints PI, equal to 3.14, and E, equal to 2.71.
Detail Please notice how the Math methods, such as sqrt(), use a period after Math.
Detail To access constants in a module, like PI, we use the Math::PI syntax. Math::E uses the same syntax.
# Use sqrt. # ... Square root of 9 is 3. x = Math.sqrt(9) puts x # Use pi. puts Math::PI # Use e. puts Math::E
3.0 3.141592653589793 2.718281828459045
Absolute values. These are never negative. The abs method takes absolute values of numbers. It is not part of the Math class—we do not use the Math module name here.
Result If the number is negative, abs will return a positive version. It also handles floating point numbers.
# Take absolute values. value = -1 puts value.abs value = -1.1 puts value.abs value = 1 puts value.abs
1 1.1 1
Sin, cos and tan. Trigonometric functions are available in the Math module. These provide standard results—the cos of zero, for example, is 1.
# Math provides sin, cos and tan methods. puts Math::sin(0) puts Math::cos(0) puts Math::tan(0)
0.0 1.0 0.0
Memoization. Sometimes Math methods, and more complex calculations involving many calls, are slow. We can use a memoization approach to avoid calculating the same thing twice.
Here We use a cache (a Hash) and check to see if it contains the square root of the argument.
Then We fetch the square root from the Hash, avoiding sqrt, when possible. We reduce an operation to a lookup.
Tip For slow computations, this can improve performance. But it will make fast computations slower than before.
def check_sqrt(a, cache) # See if the cache contains a square root for this argument. if cache.key?(a) return cache[a] end # Compute square root and memoize it. cache[a] = Math.sqrt(a) return cache[a] end # Use memoize square root method with Hash. cache = Hash.new() puts check_sqrt(9, cache) puts check_sqrt(9, cache)
3.0 3.0
Floor, ceil. The floor and ceil methods are not part of the Math module. We call them directly on a number instance. Here we set a number to 1.1 and use floor and ceil.
Info Floor changes 1.1 to 1, and ceil changes 1.1 to 2. The methods go lower and higher to the next integer.
number = 1.1 puts number # Use floor to remove the fractional part. result1 = number.floor puts result1 # Use ceil to move to the next highest integer. result2 = number.ceil puts result2
1.1 1 2
Truncate. A number can have a fractional part. The number 1.99 has a fractional part of ".99." With truncate the fractional part is eliminated from the number.
And No other changes are made. Truncate can work on positive or negative numbers.
number = 1.99 puts number # Truncate removes the fractional part. result = number.truncate puts result # Negative numbers can be truncated too. number = -1.99 puts number.truncate
1.99 1 -1
Round. On Floats we can use the round() method. This returns the nearest integral value to the value stored by the float. It may move the total value lower or higher.
number_a = 1.234 number_b = -1.234 number_c = 1.99 number_d = -1.99 puts ":::ROUND number_a, number_b :::" # Use round method. puts number_a.round puts number_b.round puts ":::ROUND number_c, number_d :::" # The nearest integer is returned. puts number_c.round puts number_d.round
:::ROUND number_a, number_b ::: 1 -1 :::ROUND number_c, number_d ::: 2 -2
Fibonacci numbers. In the Fibonacci sequence, each number is equal to the two previous numbers added together. This sequence occurs often in nature. And we can compute it with an iterator.
A summary. Certain mathematical methods, such as sqrt() and trigonometric identities, are rarely implemented in user code. Ruby provides these methods.
As an optimization, we can cache their results in a lookup table. This classic optimization is known as memoization. A function remembers its previous results by argument.
Dot Net Perls is a collection of tested code examples. Pages are continually updated to stay current, with code correctness a top priority.
Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.
This page was last updated on Sep 14, 2022 (grammar).
© 2007-2024 Sam Allen.