Convert Int to Character: UnicodeScalar, utf8
This page was last reviewed on Aug 23, 2023.
Dot Net Perls
UnicodeScalar. In Swift a Character can be constructed from a UnicodeScalar value. And we can build up a UnicodeScalar from an Int. This allows many conversions.
With utf8 and utf16, both properties on a String, we can access all Int values of the characters of a String. With these properties, we can apply number-based conversions to characters.
Int to character. This example converts an Int that represents an ASCII char to an actual Character. The number 97 indicates a lowercase "a."
Start We convert the value 97 to a UnicodeScalar instance with an init method. We then create a Character from that.
Result We find that the value 97 was converted into a Character that indicates a lowercase letter "a."
let value = 97 // Convert Int to a UnicodeScalar. let u = UnicodeScalar(value)! // Convert UnicodeScalar to a Character. let char = Character(u) // Write results. print(char)
Get Ints from Characters. Here we apply the utf16 and utf8 properties on a String. These return Ints that represent that characters in a String.
Note Utf16 returns UInt16 values. We can convert these to an Int or cast them with no errors.
Note 2 Utf8 returns UInt8 chars. It is important that the string not contain non-ASCII characters when we use this.
let value = "abc" for u in value.utf16 { // This value is a UInt16. print(u) } print("") // Write newline. for u in value.utf8 { // This value is a UInt8. print(u) }
97 98 99 97 98 99
ROT13. Some algorithms, like the ROT13 substitution cipher, require converting from characters to Ints. We can alter characters based on their numeric values.
A review. Every character has an underlying integer value. In Swift we can use this value, along with UnicodeScalar, to create a Character. This process is logical.
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Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.
This page was last updated on Aug 23, 2023 (edit).
© 2007-2024 Sam Allen.