Char Combine: Get String From Chars
This page was last reviewed on Dec 3, 2023.
Dot Net Perls
Char combine. In many VB.NET programs, we may have some Char values we want to convert into a single String. We can combine these Chars into a String in a variety of ways.
By creating a Char array, we can place each Char in an element of the array. Then we can convert the array to a String with the String constructor.
Char Array
String Constructor
Example. We introduce a function called CharCombine in this VB.NET module. CharCombine contains the logic for combining 4 Chars into a String. Any number of Chars could be combined.
Part 1 Here we declare 4 separate Chars and pass them to the CharCombine function, which returns a String with the merged characters.
Part 2 A separate Function is not necessary, and it may be best to do the conversion inline. Here we convert 2 Chars into a String.
Part 3 We can call ToString on each Char, and then concatenate the Strings into a new String, but this involves more complexity and is slower.
Module Module1 Function CharCombine(c1 as Char, c2 as Char, c3 as Char, c4 as Char) as String ' Create array by specifying last valid index as size. Dim result(3) as Char result(0) = c1 result(1) = c2 result(2) = c3 result(3) = c4 Return New String(result) End Function Sub Main() ' Part 1: use function to combine 4 Chars into a string. Dim c1 as Char = "a"c Dim c2 as Char = "b"c Dim c3 as Char = "c"c Dim c4 as Char = "d"c Dim resultFromFunction = CharCombine(c1, c2, c3, c4) Console.WriteLine("FUNCTION RESULT: [{0}]", resultFromFunction) ' Part 2: place code inline to convert from 2 chars to a string. Dim result(1) as Char result(0) = "x"c result(1) = "y"c Dim resultString = New String(result) Console.WriteLine("RESULT: [{0}]", resultString) ' Part 3: use calls to ToString and concatenate them. Dim resultSlow = c1.ToString() + c2.ToString() + c3.ToString() Console.WriteLine("TOSTRING: [{0}]", resultSlow) End Sub End Module
For situations where performance does not matter, calling ToString on each Char and then using "+" to concat the strings is acceptable. But this code involves another layer of conversion.
And In my benchmarks, it is consistently faster to just use a Char array of the appropriate size for this conversion.
Summary. For converting Chars into Strings, we can use a Char array and then the String constructor. This works for any number of Chars—and we can even use For-loops to fill the Char array.
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Sam Allen is passionate about computer languages. In the past, his work has been recommended by Apple and Microsoft and he has studied computers at a selective university in the United States.
This page was last updated on Dec 3, 2023 (new).
© 2007-2024 Sam Allen.